The Eco-Spin Cycle: how brand’s sustainability claims come out in the wash
Regulators are cracking down on corporate greenwashing, but what does media discussion reveal about its impact on brand-consumer relations?
Issues can move quickly with almost hourly twists and turns, some snowballing from a single simple tweet. Unless you’re checking multiple channels regularly, it’s easy to lose track of a story’s trajectory.
Take the recent news focus on Barnaby Joyce. The story developed over two weeks and each day delivered a new angle, with influencers from both sides weighing in via different forms of media. If you’re like me, the story would have had you hooked with an impressive volume of chatter and numerous voices shaping the overall picture. With Mediaportal, stories like this are much easier to get a handle on – tracking velocity, following the twists and turns, seeing who is driving the agenda and tracking its geographical impact.
We’re passionate about this connection point where our clients can navigate this dynamic, rapidly changing landscape to apply or build-out strategies that place their knowledge at the heart of action. This vision to both discover and inform our clients so they know their media better than anyone else with a team behind that technology that knows exactly what they’re trying to achieve, is what’s driving the year ahead for Isentia.
Our roadmap for Mediaportal is designed to be agile to respond to evolving needs and deliver greater interconnection between information and understanding. All designed to give our clients the ability to harness the game-changing potential of real-time actionable media intelligence.
If you’re the weightlifter, consider us your spotter. Our teams work hard to understand your business and the issues that are important to you. We’re here to partner with you for the long-term and have real people picking up your phone calls. Our approach to the simple yet powerful combination of people and technology makes us fairly unique and it’s one our clients really value. Having someone to work with so that your content is more accurate and relevant, allowing your team to spends less time sifting through mountains of irrelevant content is just the tip of the ice-burg.
We are your backup when the board comes knocking for answers. Clients who have tried less sophisticated services on the promise of “something different” and a budget price, invariably come back to us with stories of painful service, and unfulfilled promises. With us, you have confidence and a solution that’s ready to go without the hassle – it’s a big reason why so many clients recommend us to others.
That’s why we’re invested in having the right people with the best minds for our business to build on our personalised service, delivering the largest scope of content anywhere in the Australian market.
Our commitment to our industry cannot be questioned. We continue to lead and innovate – focusing on delivering the best service for our clients and making their lives easier. And like Commonwealth Games greats Ian Thorpe, John Landy and Dawn Fraser, we made it here through hard work, commitment and passion. As the external environment has changed, we have remained ahead of the pack – never compromising on our desire to equip our clients with accurate, curated insights into their media landscape.
For us, Client Success means delivering rich and accurate data for our clients so they remain on top of breaking issues, and are able to better understand how their strategic communications and business initiatives are truly interpreted by their various stakeholders through the lens of media coverage and social discussions.
We are our clients’ support team – their high-performance coach, and we continue to strive for greatness as we cheer the real athletes to glory in this year’s Commonwealth Games and beyond.
Isentia is a proud partner of the GC2018 Commonwealth Games, delivering powerful media intelligence and insights all the way to the finish line.
John Bissinella, Head of Client Success for Australia
Loren is an experienced marketing professional who translates data and insights using Isentia solutions into trends and research, bringing clients closer to the benefits of audience intelligence. Loren thrives on introducing the groundbreaking ways in which data and insights can help a brand or organisation, enabling them to exceed their strategic objectives and goals.
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