Blog post
June 24, 2019

Big brands and the Australian Open

Each year, the Australian Tennis Open brings record ticket sales with larger broadcast deals, more global partners, record sponsorship revenue and more digital interaction with fans.

In the recent 2019 tournament, a record 780,000+ fans attended the Open smashing the previous year’s attendance by a long shot. Broadcast numbers also exceeded expectations with a national audience reach of 14.482 million across the two-week tournament.

Being a partner or sponsor at the Australian Open provides numerous opportunities for brand exposure, share of voice, integrations, building strong consumer bases, and building long-term mutually beneficial partnerships.

It’s no surprise this year’s tournament was over-subscribed with partnership demands by both existing brands such as ANZ and KIA, and newer big brand players on the scene including AGL and Uber Eats. So, what did we learn?

Product placement is evolving
A brands ability to spend thousands of dollars over the course of a campaign is one of the more confident demonstrations of a brands health and vitality. Brand campaigns carry signals through media placement, production value, and through the choices made in their messaging.

In fact, the mere act of running an ad campaign or creating an interactive experience indicates a corporate belief in a product – and as consumers, we process these things regularly and subconsciously.

If the experience can be interactive and there’s motivation for consumers to share it on social media, it can increase a brand’s exposure and reach.

The prestige is immeasurable

Hosting or sponsoring any major sporting tournament such as the Australian Open carries significant prestige. Gone are the days of a single spot advertisement acting on its own – now it’s important to utilise the essence of a brands campaign (and in this case, link it to the philosophy of tennis) and have a multi-dimensional strategy.

Having access to this kind of exposure, enhances communications with global consumers and further expand the brands influence – it’s the ultimate advertising opportunity.

In 2018, the Australian Open generated $86 million in sponsorship revenue and $118 million in broadcasting income. The AO brand has a strong association with being world-class, popular and for high-quality tennis which is an indication as to why its significant and prestigious for brands to be involved with the Australian Open.

Creativity wins hearts and minds

We know that the most creative activations are the ones that stick in our minds.

Uber Eats divided viewers with its game-changing integration into the live tennis action. Tricking viewers into thinking they’re watching the live game, the Uber Eats ads pretend to return to the coverage of the game but then the player on court orders a delivery of food. 

This modern take on product placement was a fun, creative ad designed to both engage and entertain the audience.

We also saw KIA, a major sponsor of the Australian Open, execute both on-site and off-site activations surrounding the Open.

At Grand Slam Oval, fans tested their ‘Caraoke’ through augmented reality with Thanasi Kokkinakis and Daria Gavrilova – both up and coming Australian tennis players.

And for the first time, KIA also shared their activations outside of the grounds with live sites in Federation Square and test drives at Southern Cross Station in Melbourne, concurrently releasing a ‘Get Mean’ campaign featuring Spanish Rafael Nadal recreating car noises.

Want to learn more about how to measure the effectiveness of your brand and communications activity? Let our team help you to showcase your impact, get in touch today.


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The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has published anti-greenwashing guidelines for businesses making environmental and sustainability claims. Despite these efforts, media coverage of greenwashing, particularly focusing on senate inquiries and regulatory court cases against major offenders, continues to expose brands and industries stretching the truth in their sustainability messaging. This exposure is causing a growing disconnect between consumers and corporations, as audiences increasingly call out misleading practices and question the authenticity of corporate sustainability claims.Isentia’s sister brand, Pulsar conducted recent research exploring media and public discourse around sustainability. Part of this report examines how greenwashing is covered in the news and on social media, particularly in relation to the broader sustainability discourse. Let’s investigate those themes in more depth here.

Social media data is decreasing while online news activity re-engages, indicating incident-led conversations. Regulatory bodies like the ACCC, and state and federal governments are tackling greenwashing by identifying major corporate offenders and their misleading actions, such as 'recyclable' packaging, carbon credit misuse, lack of transparency in fossil fuel investments, and exploitation of government climate programs. Audience conversations often align with news coverage on these matters.
The term in Australia particularly gained traction among social audiences around November 2022 when the UN called out the Australian government for allowing the use of carbon offsets in corporate emissions reduction strategies. News of the apparent collusion between the government and large corporations has caused public faith and trust in both to dwindle. As these stories emerge, Australia's positive sustainability impact on the international stage is significantly undermined.


When we look at which sectors are most discussed within the greenwashing topic, energy, finance, and food take the lead.

Much of the discussion regarding the energy and finance sectors emphasises their interconnectedness, particularly the investment by financial institutions, including super funds, in environmentally harmful industries. Despite some super funds claiming to offer options that avoid unsustainable investments, reports have revealed that they collectively hold millions of shares in the fossil fuel industry. 

Many industries are being criticised for using carbon credits, such as REDD+ offsets, to appear more sustainable. Advertising, marketing, and public relations also play a significant role in promoting misleading sustainability initiatives, thereby contributing to greenwashing. However, stakeholders are aware that the advertising and communications industries have a huge impact on the profitability and success of an industry or product. The European Union’s Product Environmental Footprint classification system, for example, has been criticised by Australia’s wool industry for being unfair to wool products and for greenwashing. This, they argue, not only undermines the pursuit of a green transition within fashion but also damages a vital industry.

Mercer stands out as a most mentioned brand within the topic of greenwashing. This is due to ASIC pursuing a civic penalty case against them which alleged they misled members about its sustainability investments. This is groundbreaking for audiences to witness as it would be the first time the consumer watchdog has taken a company to court for alleged greenwashing.


Much of the conversation focuses on misinformation and lack of transparency in communication and marketing. Certifications like Fair Trade are being questioned, particularly for products like chocolate, and eco-certification for farmed salmon. It particularly muddies the waters for political figures when they get entangled with brands coming under scrutiny for such greenwashing.


Furthermore, some companies feature in the media conversation due to their involvement in a senate enquiry initiated in March 2023, with a report expected by June 28th this year. 

Analysis of the ANZ reveals a shift in mindset, with consumers emphasising individual actions for solutions like composting or guerilla campaigns on mislabelled environmentally friendly salmon products. Grassroots and individual activism leading to actions like divestment from conflicting companies. Community groups like uni student clubs showcase how groups with shared values and experiences can make noise and incite change with how universities invest. However, there are ongoing debates as to whether it’s the role of sectors like higher education or Super Funds to prioritise the environmental implications of their decisions.

The rise in curiosity around greenwashing highlights the growing consumer demand for transparency and genuine sustainability from brands. As regulatory scrutiny and public awareness increase, brands must ensure their sustainability claims are genuine or face reputation damage.

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Regulators are cracking down on corporate greenwashing, but what does media discussion reveal about its impact on brand-consumer relations?

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As the spotlight on sustainability intensifies year by year, it has become a focal point for legislators, media entities, and audiences worldwide.

This dynamic environment demands that brands and institutions elevate their standards in messaging and actions, holding them accountable like never before. For professionals in the PR & Comms realm, it is imperative to grasp not only how sustainability is being discussed but also the potential pitfalls, such as greenwashing, and gain a profound understanding of the diverse audiences receiving these messages.

Explore over 20 beautifully crafted pages of data visualisation that illuminate audience insights sourced from social media, news outlets, and search engines. Gain valuable perspectives on how one of the defining issues of our time is being discussed and understood.

Our exploration of this crucial topic delves deep into uncovering insights that are indispensable for crafting effective strategies, both tactical and long-term:

-Unraveling trends in the sustainability conversation

-Assessing brand & industry reputations

-Navigating greenwashing & misinformation

-Understanding the diverse audiences of sustainability

To access these insights, simply fill in the form

Download now

" ["post_title"]=> string(60) "Sustainability: Mapping the Media & Public Conversations" ["post_excerpt"]=> string(117) "From accusations of greenwashing to the role of misinformation, we explore the comms landscape around sustainability." ["post_status"]=> string(7) "publish" ["comment_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["ping_status"]=> string(4) "open" ["post_password"]=> string(0) "" ["post_name"]=> string(49) "sustainability-mapping-media-and-pr-conversations" ["to_ping"]=> string(0) "" ["pinged"]=> string(0) "" ["post_modified"]=> string(19) "2024-06-26 00:20:04" ["post_modified_gmt"]=> string(19) "2024-06-26 00:20:04" ["post_content_filtered"]=> string(0) "" ["post_parent"]=> int(0) ["guid"]=> string(32) "https://www.isentia.com/?p=30836" ["menu_order"]=> int(0) ["post_type"]=> string(4) "post" ["post_mime_type"]=> string(0) "" ["comment_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }
Sustainability: Mapping the Media & Public Conversations

From accusations of greenwashing to the role of misinformation, we explore the comms landscape around sustainability.

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