
The fastest way to turn media data into everyday insight

Jangan terjebak dalam spreadsheet, hidupkan data media Anda dan cari tahu peluang tindakannya secara cepat melalui analytics Mediaportal dan analisa insights yang mendalam.

Instantly understand the factors driving your results

Quickly configure and customise your analytics dashboard in Mediaportal for a clear overview of what’s happening across channels.

Create new charts in seconds, add custom labels, or drag, drop and expand your collection of visuals to bring what needs the most attention to the top. Accessible to everyone your analysis can be exported as data visuals or crafted into beautiful reports ready for easy sharing with your marketing, sales and strategy teams.

Track performance and power campaigns with easy-to-use data

Performance is no longer a guessing game.
Understanding where, how and to what extent your actions have on your audiences and reputation is simple with our analytics dashboard. Select the metrics that matter to you and draw insights with aggregated level visuals that help you identify trends, track sentiment, spot early warning signs and stay on top of what’s critical.

See more detail with one client and understand who or what is driving your results. Engage and activate the influential voices and outlets directly or compile items into a data-driven report for specific teams to take action.

Meaningful metrics and automated sentiment analysis

Use our unique combination of fast, relevant, cross-channel and multi-market coverage to inform actions and help identify the best strategies to counteract or amplify your messages.

Chart multiple metrics over a specific timeline and go beyond the numbers to understand the impact. Connect mentions with meaning using sentiment analysis, your barometer for what entire communities feel around a current topic, brand, spokesperson or organisation. Across every item, sentiment indicators enable real-time risk management and opportunity identification for new or improved features that audiences will love, and R&D departments will thank you for.

Tell powerful stories with beautiful reports

Showcase your efforts with stunning reports that can be customised, branded and shared across your organisation without leaving the platform.

Whether it’s end-of-month reporting or a campaign wrap-up, quickly assemble professional reports that tell a comprehensive story at-a-glance with powerful metrics.

With one click, turn your analytics dashboard into a ready-to-send interactive report that looks just as good on a desktop as it does on a mobile. Curate your content using the drag-and-drop interface and add commentary to ensure everyone across your organisation understands what’s been achieved.

Take things further and become an insights led organisation

Real-time analysis is crucial for day-to-day management, but sometimes more comprehensive research is needed to ensure accurate benchmarking, effective reputation management and long-term success.

Using a combination of our proprietary technology and research expertise, we help organisations take analysis further and solve challenges by providing in-depth insights. Based on your goals, our approach is specific to each project using a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, from the traditional through to the more cutting-edge.

  • Test Identify and assess influencers, trend-setters and potential brand ambassadors

  • Refine your communications strategy and prove your success with the confidence that independent, expert media analysis consulting provides

  • Recommend the best strategy to counteract negative messages about your brand, organisation, products and service

  • Track improvements and trends over time to improve current tactics and set realistic benchmarks


Ready to get started?

Get in touch or request a demo.